Fish Report for 9-1-2011

Intrepid Report 8-31-11

Bill Roecker

"Today we had great fishing down here with variety and some exotics thrown in. Our morning started out with wide-open Yellowtail fishing. The Yellows bit everything that we threw at them.

The surface iron was a hit that also seemed to entice several Grouper to move in during the middle of the bite with some anglers (John Keeler) getting 5 in a row. The Grouper ranged anywhere from 15 to 70 pounds with all of the smaller ones being released as shown by Steph Merli as pictured. We even had a chance to get a father son picture with Evin and Steven Blatt. Young Evin had three in a row with two coming on the surface jig. All in all we released over 30 grouper and 1 Black Sea Bass giving them a chance to grow bigger and fight another day. Along with a sprinkling of Dorado it was a very fun-filled day. Tomorrow will be spent trying to find some Tuna or possibly a Wahoo."

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