Fish Reports
1.5 Day Bluefin Tuna   
We made the choice to head out to the big fish zone on our 1.5 Day and it paid off. We... more »
Team Supreme
Polaris Supreme
1.5 Day Trips departing 7/22 & 7/24- Open Spots   
Hello everyone, good morning! This is Aliyar from the Polaris Supreme. I wanted to inform you that we've added two... more »
Aliyar Nabi
Polaris Supreme
1.5 Day Open Party Trips   
We have a last minute change to our schedule and we now have two Open Party 1.5 Day trips departing... more »
Team Supreme
Polaris Supreme
Bluefin and Yellowtail    
We returned from our 2 Day this morning with 68 Bluefin Tuna and 137 Yellowtail. It was a nice change... more »
Team Supreme
Polaris Supreme
Big Bluefin    
The last few trips have produced some of the biggest Bluefin we've seen this season. The average size of the... more »
Team Supreme
Polaris Supreme
All About the Quality   
Last night was all about the quality. We landed 47 Bluefin, 40 of which were over the 100lb mark. It... more »
Team Supreme
Polaris Supreme
2 Day Check In    
And the beat goes on. We departed yesterday morning on a 2 Day and after spending the day getting rigged... more »
Team Supreme
Polaris Supreme
Off to a Great Start    
We departed yesterday morning on a 3 Day and once we were back in the zone we picked up right... more »
Team Supreme
Polaris Supreme
4 Day Wrap Up    
We returned from our 4 Day this morning with a nice load of quality Bluefin. We ended up with 60... more »
Team Supreme
Polaris Supreme
Steady Action on the Big Grade   
We have had some good opportunity on the larger Bluefin the last two evenings. In addition to some 40-60lb fish... more »
Team Supreme
Polaris Supreme
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