Fish Report for 1-14-2015

Royal Star Fish Report

Royal Star


A real bust here: Fish one; fisherman zero. Obviously not the result we were looking for we had to make a decision on the quick recognizing that we were getting nowhere fast. A real wrench in the works but as they say "that's fishing". Our fortune took yet another difficult turn when the weather forecast, that was none too pleasant to begin with, was upgraded to something we could not continue heading into.

There are times on the high seas, especially when hosting a group of vacationing anglers, when prudent seamanship dictates the itinerary. Fish become secondary in the face of real weather; and real weather we are now facing. Actually we're not facing it, we're running from it returning to safe haven while the going is good. Certainly not the preferred fishing move but unquestionably the correct move in the interest of safety; no resistance to the notion resides in the mind of anyone. It's the right thing to do. Mother Nature is not one to trifle with. In particular when one is nigh 600 miles from land 1000 miles from home

We'll be back at it in the morning not wasting any time licking our wounds. Time to settle in and fish. One at a time, or one at all, is better than none. We're soon destined to lose our excellent weather for a day or two, but sweetness should return on the back end to compensate for the loss of time. The search continues.

Tim Ekstrom

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01/13/15 A smooth haul grinding out the last day of travel eagerly anticipating our arrival in the zone tomorrow. It appears that Mother Nature will provide a fine working environment for the first couple of days - a huge bonus to be appreciated and utilized. But time will tell: fortunes of fishing are never known. Photo today features Royal Star angler Ron Blocher with a fat, 50 pound class "skin" taken yesterday on the troll. Needless to say we again are ready...... Read More

Royal Star Sportfishing Reports
for Monday, January 12th, 2015
Royal Star Fish Report
Royal Star Fish Report