Fish Report for 12-2-2014

Royal Star Fish Report

Royal Star


Uneventful, calm, and relaxing; stress free cruising south preparing equipment and catching up with friends. While I could wander off into the weeds with literary musings even I on this day preferred to scheme and reflect. Scheme on fishing and reflect upon fishing, and history distant and new. Plenty of content evoked thought today; many open topics flowed in traveling dialogue. For certain there is no shortage of things to talk about, the world is bursting with material, all of which thankfully means nothing here and now. Fishing is the objective; and vacation among like minded friends far from the daily informational onslaught of modern life. Quite liberating once one adapts to the realization that they have stepped aside the peace that follows is blissful.

Looking to do a little fishing tomorrow we seek to interrupt the peace with some mayhem. Nothing like a little contrast to add perspective. Ahead of the nasty weather forecast back home we are slated to enjoy whatever fishing and traveling that comes in continuing calm conditions. Either way it will be a pleasure.

Tim Ekstrom

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