Fish Report for 10-7-2014

Royal Star Fish Report

Royal Star


A good morning of yellowtail action in the most beautiful conditions imaginable - grease calm, no wind, zero seas. Plenty of time at the rail was exactly what we were aiming for before taking off mid day for points south. Yellowtail accomplished now we stage for the next zone in the face of advancing Simon.

In that respect it is safe to say that this storm is determined to assert itself into all of our business during the next couple of days. The breadth of the thing is something to behold. In one way or another everyone of us out here, from the local guys fishing close to home to us on the distant grounds, is going to feel it's effects. Right now it is just a matter of conditions management: where one wants to be when the things goes by.

This is where the wonder of technology has really transformed our fishery. The broadband on board provides real time information direct from the National Hurricane Center and a wide variety of other weather forecasting venues. Information of this quality is an indispensable strategic tool. It keeps the anglers in our charge safe while enabling us to maximize every fishing opportunity available.

In this case approaching weather takes precedence. It appears that we will be bumping our way through remnant outskirts before hunkering down somewhere in the protection of a coastal or island lee. In the protected lee we'll wait for the grumpy bastard to throw it's fit then get back to fishing as soon as we are able. Zero pressure to prove our mettle sets us in the right frame of mind to hurry up and wait for this tempest to pass. The prime of youth, and archaic weather forecasting tools twenty five years prior, provided us a clear view of the other side of the equation several times past. We lived to recall how much fun it wasn't, and now know better.

On an ending note reports from the local grounds continue to shine. "Ballslapper" grade dorado, 12 - 35#'s, school size yellowfin, and even a couple of skinnies are still arriving in force. Water temperatures in the 73 - 76 degree Fahrenheit range and this latest storm continuing to push tropical conditions north suggest much more to come. Factored into to the upcoming three day voyages at the end of the month both Capt Brian Sims and I are feeling very optimistic. Between the offshore prospects and abundant coastal yellowtail many good happenings are in store.

Tim Ekstrom

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