Fish Report for 11-5-2011

Sunny Tackle Day

Bill Roecker

A front blew through San Diego the night before this year's annual Tackle Day at Fisherman's Landing. It was windy, and left things well-soaked, but the sun rose in clear skies the morning of the event, leaving spectators and vendors alike in good spirits. Pete Gray and "Rock Cod Rick" Maxa broadcast Let's Talk Hookup from the front of the landing, while the manufacturers set up their booths and the lecturers got ready to go to work for the crowd. There seemed to be a good crowd showing up when I had to leave the site around nine AM, in order to get home and put out the news. Among others, I saw reps and owners from Accurate, AFTCO, Berkeley, Blackwater, Calstar, Friends of Rollo, Izorline, P-Line, Phenix, Power Pro, Shimano and of course the famous rod wrappers Bill Havens and Jim Trelickes. My apologies if I left anyone out, my time was short and booths were still being put up when I had to beat feet. Fisherman's Landing had the centerpiece display, and the store was crowded with shoppers looking for the best angling buys of the season. All it all, it look like Tackle Day 2011 hit the ground running, storm or no storm. It was a pretty day, a good day to be out and about, especially at the docks.

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