Fish Report for 8-18-2016

final fishing day

Tim Ekstrom

A very nice final day leisurely picking our way along the spectacular weather torn front side enjoying variety fishing while focused on a few trophy yellowtail. Our yellowfin tuna desires completely satisfied all lavished in the opportunity to fish free of stress and/or quantity expectations simply enjoying the sights, sounds, and excellent company at the rail. Supporting one another, laughing at the various missed opportunities and mishaps, and wearing out the camera shutters amidst settings Jurrasic and breath taking serious production was secondary. A few to satisfy the effort and all were good. It was a perfect ending to a voyage that spoke to the vacation element of our fishery perhaps more than any I have experienced in some time. When the catching opportunities and quality are so consistent there is no better occasion to take stock of the big picture and consider exactly how much product an angler can effectively utilize. We have come a long way as a fishery and as angling individuals. The trend since the advent of RSW storage of our catches has been a huge reduction in the overall take due to the premium quality of the fresh product. Long range anglers today have much more product to return home with filleted fresh, from far fewer fish than were taken in the past when frozen brine storage of the catch was the norm. It is a good thing. There is nothing better than sitting back at times and taking in the picture away from the rail while the action rages on. I saw every angler on this run take advantage of such occasions many times. And why not? When an angler compiles a catch of however many they choose to take within their limits taking advantage of the vacation side of their adventure makes perfect sense. Undertanding that every individual arrives with unique goals and expectations the category of “enough” is measured on a sliding scale. How much is enough? This a question that long range angler's should be able to answer in advance of their voyage's. And when that point is reached in any given long range adventure infusing leisure and fun into the experience adds much satisfaction to the success. In this respect the current voyage, headed up by Charter Master Craig Heberer who is joined by twenty some odd of his long time friends and graduates of Humboldt State University, naturally came through with flying colors. Many anglers on the voyage are graduates of the University's internationally famous fishery's program. What better background to recognize tremendous abundance and meter take to each individual's needs? Our final day tomorrow will be passed in travel mode heading up in very favorable sea conditions. Photo's today feature a pair of Royal Star veteran's that are a staple on the annual Humboldt Fishin' Lumberjack's charter. Glenn and Dave Itano always compliment this voyage with their calm demeanor and superb fishing skills at the rail. Today Glenn gets the yellowfin tuna honors while Dave poses with a dandy yellowtail on the rail.

If you would like to go fishing with us please BOOK ONLINE or call (619) 224-4764 to get in on the action.

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