Fish Report for 10-13-2023

Tuesday night brought the first small dusting of the year

Trout Creek Outfitters

Tuesday night brought the first small dusting of the year. The light snow quickly melted from our streets and sidewalks but left a thin coat along the crest. It is incredible see the first snows of the fall season beginning to lay cover down over the deep pockets of ice and snow remaining from the season prior. In the time we’ve been here, never have we seen something like it. Water temperatures are currently hovering around the high forties early in the morning and will reach the mid-fifties by the afternoon. Air temps have generally been in the high thirties early in the morning, which means the water is significantly warmer than the air. The result is a beautiful mist that rises early in the morning like steam as the water temperature falls. The stable weather of the past few days has led to lights out fly fishing. We’ve seen both quality and quantity on the river this past week. The fish are taking a variety of different bugs, including San Juan worms and egg patterns. While the smaller fish are liable to eat anything you put in front of them, the quality fish seem to key in on the hatch. Presently, you’ll have to be observant and carry a variety of nymphs to put bigger fish in the net. Midges, BWO, October Caddis are all hatching regularly. Warmer days have even led to a few PMD hatches recently – a rarity for this time of the year!

If you would like to go fishing with us please check out our website Trout Creek or call (530) 563-5119.

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Trout Creek Outfitters Reports
for Friday, October 13th, 2023
Pyramid Lake: The surface temps at Pyramid continue to drop
Little Truckee River: The river flows have remained stable