Fish Report for 6-9-2020

Safe Passage

Tim Ekstrom

We had to make an adjustment on the fly altering the quick 1.5 day on our schedule departing Wednesday to an open/ultra limited load. This may be a template for more voyages this summer. We will see. 


Today I want to address the hysteria and media driven fear mongering that is so pervasive among us. It is not healthy. Less the constant drum of panic, death counts, and certain doom we’d all be better off. It doesn’t take a Mensa level I.Q. to realize that none of the continually offered most dire predictions/projections about Covid-19 have come true. They are not even remotely close. 

I’m not sure if anglers caught yesterday’s good news. Data on transmission of Covid-19 studied in over 100 countries indicates that the greatest fear about the virus being transmitted by silent, asymptomatic carriers has proven nigh unwarranted. The vast majority of transmissions, upward of 94%, were from sick individuals coughing, sneezing, etc. while in the close company of others.

We are receiving a deluge of calls from anglers concerned about their participation in upcoming voyages. What I can tell all Royal Star anglers with 100% confidence is that I/we would not leave the dock with anyone on board our vessel if we felt that it was unsafe to do so. 

Not that concerns are unwarranted. The seriousness of the pandemic is well documented. Individuals with compromised immune systems and/or significant underlying health issues such as diabetes, heart disease, etc are prudent to sit out this year’s voyage if they can not overcome their fear. We understand and respect such decisions. 

Healthy individuals that follow the basic rules of regular hand washing and not touching one’s face will be protecting themselves on Royal Star the same as anywhere else in their daily lives. Risk is inherent in everything we do. Flying, driving, going to the market, walking down the street, etc all present risk in many forms. Anglers with concerns about heading out can take solace in the real information/data about Covid-19 that has been accumulated and studiously researched by the world’s utmost medical professionals. The world is re-opening because it is safe to do so. Common sense, common courtesy, and good hygiene are the tools that allow us to get back to living as the freedom loving people that we are.

The foremost rule that must be followed is that anglers can not even slightly entertain the thought of making a trip if they feel ill in any way. No more loading up on cold medicine and heading out with a cough or the sniffles; for the time being it just can not happen. The sad part of course is that there are still plenty of common colds out there that may be the culprit and ruin someone’s trip. But in today’s reality we can not take any chances. 

In closing I/we want every Royal Star angler to feel safe and comfortable to fully enjoy their vacation on our vessel. If anyone is on the fence struggling to overcome fear of heading out with us I/we will not attempt to influence your decision. We respect everyone the same. I do request that everyone take the time to evaluate the information available through the prism of reality; not media hyped up hysterical projecting. It is safe to go fishing. Enjoy today’s image from the archive.

If you would like to go fishing with us please BOOK ONLINE or call (619) 224-4764 to get in on the action.

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A few more details to share today to prepare Royal Star anglers for their upcoming voyages. I will post our...... Read More

Royal Star Sportfishing Reports
for Sunday, June 7th, 2020
Soul cleansing