Fish Report for 1-11-2015

Royal Star Fish Report

Royal Star


Another southerly trek commences in calm conditions. 14 days of fishing and passage on the high seas calls. It is privilege, and pleasure, unique to our tiny corner of the world. No place on earth, no fishing destination, can compare in production, quality, and consistent opportunities to catch significant quantities of giant yellowfin tuna and wahoo. All presently on board are among the blessed few; blessed for the opportunity, resources, and fortitude to venture forth on a long range outing of this caliber.

For success to follow we must combine a host of decisions and conditions. Mother Nature casts her spin of course affecting the outcome of each voyage regardless of our labors. Fishing is fishing; no matter what our vision in the end they decide. Out tool kit however is vast. In this case we are armed with what appears to be the right load of bait and unquestionably a seasoned, well prepared group of individuals. Whatever opportunities manifest will be made good on; of that I'm sure.

A smooth haul south is promised in the forecast; minimal breeze and calm seas. We'll have plenty of time on hand to prepare tackle, reminisce, and rekindle friendships of old. As we all unwind and connect new friendships will undoubtedly form. Among the many notable aspects of long range fishing this rates high in my book. Over the seasons I can recall so many valuable friendships that I have seen form and remain strong to this day. Friendships formed while fishing have a virtuous tenor; a definition best left to the reader. For now we are enjoying the ride.

Tim Ekstrom

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