Fish Report for 10-12-2014

Royal Star Fish Report

Royal Star


Working back north in the throes of ecstasy, and agony. The passions of a successful day of long range wahoo fishing are extreme. It is the apex of a fall ten day run. This is what anglers come for; the chance to see, to live the fishing experience of long range legend. Not just a random jig strike or picking an odd one or two at a time, schools of the big speedsters; packs and gaggles marauding within legendary long range zones.

We lived it today. A handful of opportunities that intimately familiarized those novice to this style of fishing, and reminded the veterans, that wahoo action is simultaneously the most thrilling, exciting, gratifying, frustrating, and agonizingly disappointing form of fishing that we know. Even when everything is done correctly - perfect rigging, gear selection, and execution, the odds still favor the fish somewhere in the neighborhood of two to one.

Of course there is always the angler or two on a roll beating the odds having the best day of his/her life. Those few fortunate's just add to the immeasurable dismay of the unfortunate one or two on the opposite side of the equation living the grueling wahoo curse; part of the fishing curve we all must begrudgingly endure. Poise, grace, and patience I always say; admittedly much easier said than done when it comes to wahoo fishing. Checking frustration with smiles is the only effective formula that pays dividends whether the day ends with a win or a loss.

In today's case the win column was near chock full, with multiple multiples to boot. It was the signature wahoo opportunity. The wily bastards skulked around for quite awhile before deciding to get with the program (a dastardly tactic so effective in coaxing anglers to drop their guard) then turned on for a few hours to deliver a trademark performance. One lazy jig strike turned into another one hooked on a bomb, then another on a jig, then ten more eating everything trailing through the water. Instant pandemonium, chaos. Not really because we (the deck crew and I) have seen this rodeo plenty of times before, but the instant shock of recognition, realization that the moment really is here, temporarily throws almost everyone off for a few minutes, every time.

Suffice it to say that we got our rear ends handed to us the first go around - about twenty five chances for four landed, ouch!, but we got in the saddle afterward hitting them right where it counts, for the most part. In the end I'd have to say that the day ended in a draw, that first bad run cost us the upper hand, but we departed duly satisfied with almost two around tucked away safely in the premium, RSW, hatch. I'm still grieving for a couple three anglers that received an invitation to the party but couldn't make it happen, but take solace in the knowledge that that escaped dream will spurn them on. Such is the attraction of fishing, to fishermen.

Photos today feature a couple of winners mighty pleased with their prize. Long time Royal Star veteran and favorite Steve Masuda ironically nailed this nice "skinny" on gear, following my recommendation, intended for yellowtail. This opportunist grabbed the trusty old yo-yo lure on the way down. First time Royal Star angler Rocky Vasi lived the dream today. Wahoo, Alijos Rocks, the legend was larger than life for Rocky whose first visit to this zone was thirty years ago! Between this dandy and another, and a few more that craftily evaded capture, Rocky was pinching himself by this day's end. Long range fishing at it's finest. I'm glad to be along for the ride.

Tim Ekstrom

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