Fish Report for 8-5-2014

Royal Star Fish Report

Royal Star


Piecing it together offshore looking at some mouthwatering spots of not biting jumbo bluefin on the American side of the line before pushing south into what is becoming more and more smaller yellowfin tuna day by day. The sign of 8 - 12 pound yellowfin is certainly encouraging for the local guys, suffice to say that everyone in the ? to 1 ? day range is more than likely to be in yellowfin hog heaven for quite some time, but that size fish is a little shy of our goals motivating the search in further zones.

So we travel: distant waters, a change of pace, and scenic variety beckon; a pending significant uptick in the weather also plays a role in the exodus in no small part. Long range fishing at it's finest; abundant time, information, and motivation to advance the fishing cause with the equipment to make it happen. Such is what we are about; now to see if we can live up to it.

Photo number one today features another angler new to Royal Star with her first tuna ever. Donna Doyle hooked and landed this fifteen pound class yellowfin to the delight of one and all. And, to no one's surprise, once the ice was broken several more followed. Photo number two features one of two final US blues landed before the southerly trek began. Royal Star veteran Dave Manning got in the game landing this dandy, seventy nine pound class beauty in the nick of time.

Tim Ekstrom

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