Long Range Fish Report
From Sportfishing
From Sportfishing
Fish Report for 6-10-2013

Silver City Ghost Town Public Lantern Light Night Tour & Live Paranormal Investigation
Saturday, June 15th & 29th, 8 to 10:30 pm.
These acclaimed History/Mystery Lantern Light Night Tours & Live Paranormal Investigations all feature host & guide J Paul Corlew (as seen on Bio HD's paranormal series "My Ghost Story")
Over the last 40 years the Ghost Town has been the location of dozens of alleged sightings of ghostly apparitions & other paranormal activity by visitors & staff alike. It is called the 6th most haunted site in America by PBS series "This Old House" online. It was also featured on "Haunted Discoveries", "Extreme Hauntings Live" & "My Ghost Story".
Silver City has been investigated by dozens of paranormal groups. Many have reportedly captured evidence of poltergeists, Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP's), paranormal photographs, some have had physical encounters & also captured anomalous videos. During the lantern tours Corlew (who has lived on site for over two decades) will recount the eerie legends of the valley & focus on the numerous controversial paranormal events & sightings which have reportedly occurred at Silver City. Corlew is also founder of GRIT Paranormal who always have members on site during these events.
The June 15th public live event will be co-hosted by Lake Isabella Paranormal Society (shown in this file photo from a previous night event. L.I.P.S. has investigated Silver City dozens of times since 2006. The group was originally founded by Kat Owen who now lives in Arizona. Today the team is led by her son Danny & daughter Kim who carry on the tradition started long ago by Kat. They will be conducting a live interactive paranormal investigation & demonstrating ghost hunting tips & techniques. If you have ever wanted to be part of a ghost hunting investigation or simply want to learn the fascinating history of the Kern River Valley you will love these events.
This will be both a lantern tour & interactive ghost hunt with advice/tips & demonstrations from both L.I.P.S. & Corlew. Attendees are welcome to bring cameras & their own ghost hunting gear & join in or they can just observe & enjoy the unique presentation & live investigation.
What will you learn on the lantern tour? Which local historical figure had his grave dug up after his passing & why? What event, witnessed by dozens of individuals during a night tour caused Silver City to be listed as one of the top 15 most haunted sites in the U.S.A.? What is a little girl's apparition doing in the jail? These & many other questions will be addressed during the guided tour.
Advance tickets for the lantern tour are available by credit card purchase by telephone (760-379-5146). They will also be on sale at 8:00 pm each night of the events (cash only) at the gate. The tour will be from 8:30 to 10:30 pm with time afterward for individual exploration of the site & face time with the experts. The cost is only $12.00 per person (all ages). All proceeds from admissions & these special events are utilized (as they have for over 20 years) for the continuing operating costs, renovation, restoration & museum acquisitions on site. No public funds or tax dollars are utilized to operate Silver City. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Reminder: other night time lantern events are scheduled for July 12th & 26th (details to be announced). Mark your calendars! All updates announced on facebook hit "LIKE" to get the news feed. Don't miss these events.
More Info:
Lantern Light Tour& Ghost Hunt at Silver City Ghost Town
When: June 15th & 29th, 2013 8 to 10:30 pm.
Where: 3829 Lake Isabella Blvd. in Bodfish CA 93205
Cost: $12.00 per person (all ages). All proceeds to renovation, restoration & museum acquisitions.
Payment methods: Cash only night of event or advance tickets by credit card.
Questions or purchase advance tickets contact: 760-379-5146
or: Email: ghosttown@verizon.net
Official website for all details:
Contact person: J. Paul Corlew
Other days/hours: Silver City currently open 10 am to 4 pm (5 pm Saturdays) weekends.
Open daily: (7 days a week) Memorial Weekend through Labor Day Weekend same hours.
Day admissions: General admission: 13 & up $5.50, 6 to 12 $4.50 FREE for kids 5 & under.
These acclaimed History/Mystery Lantern Light Night Tours & Live Paranormal Investigations all feature host & guide J Paul Corlew (as seen on Bio HD's paranormal series "My Ghost Story")
Over the last 40 years the Ghost Town has been the location of dozens of alleged sightings of ghostly apparitions & other paranormal activity by visitors & staff alike. It is called the 6th most haunted site in America by PBS series "This Old House" online. It was also featured on "Haunted Discoveries", "Extreme Hauntings Live" & "My Ghost Story".
Silver City has been investigated by dozens of paranormal groups. Many have reportedly captured evidence of poltergeists, Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP's), paranormal photographs, some have had physical encounters & also captured anomalous videos. During the lantern tours Corlew (who has lived on site for over two decades) will recount the eerie legends of the valley & focus on the numerous controversial paranormal events & sightings which have reportedly occurred at Silver City. Corlew is also founder of GRIT Paranormal who always have members on site during these events.
The June 15th public live event will be co-hosted by Lake Isabella Paranormal Society (shown in this file photo from a previous night event. L.I.P.S. has investigated Silver City dozens of times since 2006. The group was originally founded by Kat Owen who now lives in Arizona. Today the team is led by her son Danny & daughter Kim who carry on the tradition started long ago by Kat. They will be conducting a live interactive paranormal investigation & demonstrating ghost hunting tips & techniques. If you have ever wanted to be part of a ghost hunting investigation or simply want to learn the fascinating history of the Kern River Valley you will love these events.
This will be both a lantern tour & interactive ghost hunt with advice/tips & demonstrations from both L.I.P.S. & Corlew. Attendees are welcome to bring cameras & their own ghost hunting gear & join in or they can just observe & enjoy the unique presentation & live investigation.
What will you learn on the lantern tour? Which local historical figure had his grave dug up after his passing & why? What event, witnessed by dozens of individuals during a night tour caused Silver City to be listed as one of the top 15 most haunted sites in the U.S.A.? What is a little girl's apparition doing in the jail? These & many other questions will be addressed during the guided tour.
Advance tickets for the lantern tour are available by credit card purchase by telephone (760-379-5146). They will also be on sale at 8:00 pm each night of the events (cash only) at the gate. The tour will be from 8:30 to 10:30 pm with time afterward for individual exploration of the site & face time with the experts. The cost is only $12.00 per person (all ages). All proceeds from admissions & these special events are utilized (as they have for over 20 years) for the continuing operating costs, renovation, restoration & museum acquisitions on site. No public funds or tax dollars are utilized to operate Silver City. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Reminder: other night time lantern events are scheduled for July 12th & 26th (details to be announced). Mark your calendars! All updates announced on facebook hit "LIKE" to get the news feed. Don't miss these events.
More Info:
Lantern Light Tour& Ghost Hunt at Silver City Ghost Town
When: June 15th & 29th, 2013 8 to 10:30 pm.
Where: 3829 Lake Isabella Blvd. in Bodfish CA 93205
Cost: $12.00 per person (all ages). All proceeds to renovation, restoration & museum acquisitions.
Payment methods: Cash only night of event or advance tickets by credit card.
Questions or purchase advance tickets contact: 760-379-5146
or: Email: ghosttown@verizon.net
Official website for all details:
Contact person: J. Paul Corlew
Other days/hours: Silver City currently open 10 am to 4 pm (5 pm Saturdays) weekends.
Open daily: (7 days a week) Memorial Weekend through Labor Day Weekend same hours.
Day admissions: General admission: 13 & up $5.50, 6 to 12 $4.50 FREE for kids 5 & under.
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