Fish Report for 9-23-2011


Bruce A. Smith

TUNA WERE SPLASHING AROUND (092211)!!! The tuna are here and they were splashing around the Shogun for most of the day. They just didn't want to get with the program, we did end up with 11 big, beautiful yellowfin in the 70 to 110 pound category though. Along with the tuna we added 42 keeper yellowtail and released at least that many 10 to 12 pounders. The weather is flat gorgeous and warm to top things off, the trip is coming along nicely, an excellent search for big fish at Guadalupe island. Congratulations to Gary "XL" Halderman for landing the first yellowfin over 50 pounds today and with it goes the brand new Accurate BX2 500. Thank you Accurate and good going XL! Big Fish Happen, Bruce A. Smith

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