Fish Report for 5-23-2024

David Hilton 2024

Alex Natipadab

We departed yesterday morning on the annual David Hilton trip. David's group always brings the good vibes and great times. After a nice topper of sardine we cleared Point Loma and pointed the bow west. With colleagues out on the grounds feeding us intel all the time, we had a pretty good idea where to be. Arrived to said "X" and did not take long to locate the fish. Couple bites & a couple mishaps to start the trip on a high note. Great signal during the day almost always equates to good night time fishing..... last night was no different. Opportunity presented itself and we tried to capitalize every chance we had, walking away with a couple dozen 100-200 lb fish for the nights effort! We plan to keep our foot on the pedal into day 2. Let's see what the day brings. 

Today's cover image goes to Royal Star all-star angler, Tim Heckendorf. Against all odds,(light line, long battle) Tim was able to win the battle with this beast of a Bluefin @ 214lbs! 


If you would like to go fishing with us please BOOK ONLINE or call (619) 224-4764 to get in on the action.

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