From Sportfishing
Fish Report for 10-21-2022
Cascade River coho salmon season extended
WA Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Action: Extends coho salmon fishery and rules. All other species will close Nov. 1 per 2022/2023 Sport Fishing rules pamphlet
Location: Cascade River from mouth to Rockport-Cascade Road
Effective date: Immediately through Nov. 30, 2022
Species affected: All species
- Use of bait (including scent or flavoring) is prohibited
- Anti-snagging rules
- Night closure
- Closed to all fishing Sundays, Mondays, and Tuesdays until further notice
- Daily limit 4 coho salmon. Min. size 12". Release all other species
Reason for action: There is sufficient remaining state share of harvestable coho salmon to sustain additional sport fishing opportunity. Incidental Chinook salmon encounters remain within conservation guidelines, but Chinook salmon are still active in the system.
Additional information: Fisheries in this section of the river will be open four days per week, Wednesdays through Saturdays only.
Sundays through Tuesdays are closed to all sport fishing to prevent gear conflicts with tribal fisheries. Anglers are asked to respect tribal fishers and reminded to not interfere with tribal fisheries. Conflicts that arise during ongoing fisheries could lead to additional time and area closures to reduce conflicts.
Information contact: Mill Creek Regional Office, 425-775-1311
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