From Sportfishing
Fish Report for 1-5-2019
The Dalles Pool sturgeon season to close January 7
The recreational sturgeon season in The Dalles Pool (The Dalles Dam upstream to John Day Dam) will close effective 12:01 a.m. Monday, Jan. 7, under rules announced today by fishery managers from Oregon and Washington.
The states decided to close the sturgeon sport fishery based on catch projections which indicate the 135 fish guideline may be achieved by Friday evening. Catch rates have been high since the season opened Jan. 1, with an estimated 69 fish kept through Jan. 3.
Sturgeon fishing remains open in the Bonneville and John Day pools, where the guidelines are 325 and 105 fish, respectively.
Retention sturgeon fishing is closed below Bonneville Dam and below Willamette Falls under permanent sport fishing regulations.
Except for specific sanctuaries, catch-and-release sturgeon fishing remains open in all of these waters, even when retention seasons are closed.
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