Fish Report for 2-16-2015

Royal Star Fish Report

Royal Star


Off to a good start today arriving late and wasting no time in getting down to business. No barn burner by any measure the half dozen good fish landed were an indication, a sign if you will, of exactly what we are after. Less time to really get down and scour the place I can't report much about the overall sign. We did see fish though and there is a good feel to it; for now that's enough.

Insanely beautiful weather - another flat calm, sunset spectacular with just enough breeze daytime to mitigate the mighty tropical furnace. Tomorrow will reveal the true fishing potential if we can muster our "A" game.

A couple of photos today perfectly express the sentiment of one and all when quality tuna started coming over the rail. Roger Florian, who was quick to get in the game, and the tireless, Charter Master extraordinaire, Glenn Evans are both mighty pleased with their "ice breakers", these one hundred twenty to one hundred thirty pound class yellowfin tunas.

Tim Ekstrom

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