Fish Report for 12-12-2014

Royal Star Fish Report

Royal Star


A good time was had by all. Fair winds and calm seas we're the parting note as we glided over booming northwest ground swells stretched into huge intervals from their journey spanning thousands of miles. No obstacle to us in calm winds and zero seas the lengthy rise and fall of our able hull provided a welcome nautical feel as miles passed and toasts were dedicated to the continuing success of this Let's Talk Hookup sponsored 12 day adventure.

Based on the success of this run, and our steadfast philosophy of adapting to trends and conditions rather than following, we have made a significant change to this voyage for 2015 and beyond. This voyage will now become a 12/15 day offering the option of flying home from Cabo San Lucas. The new dates for 2015 are as follows:

Depart S.D. Monday November 30th. Return Cabo San Lucas Saturday December 12th. Return San Diego Tuesday December 15th. By adding the fly home option the list of fishing opportunities expands significantly on this run. First and foremost we craft our schedule as fishermen. I am very confidant that this change represents and exponential improvement in fishing potential. The fly home option for those who care to miss out on nigh four days of ten knot travel to the north is a bonus distinct and worthy.

Back to the present this run ends on a note of success incredibly unique. We had a slice of good fortune this time akin to legend. Yellowfin tuna fishing below was fine but by far the wahoo fishing to and from, especially from, eclipsed everything else by a wide margin. As rare as opportunities are to really get down on those wary skinnies this run will be long remembered. Good times.

Our most gracious thanks to Rick Maxa, a.k.a. "Rockcod Rick", who always does a stellar job of representing all of our passion for this fishery. Also, tremendous gratitude is extended to all the anglers on this run who demonstrated patience and perfection when it came to making good on the opportunities that this voyage offered. We now tie up Royal Star for the holidays attending to a few maintenance projects next week in preparation for our busy Winter schedule that begins December 26th.

Two final voyage photos first feature another angler from the far north, Roy Kirby, with one of the school size, sixty pound yellowfin he landed right out of the gates. On a side note Roy did an exemplary job of learning and adapting to these fishing techniques getting and staying right in the game with consistent catching throughout the voyage. Photo number two features a quick going home image snapped as we pumped a little RSW off the top of one the loaded tanks to determine if we could slide in a few more skinnies. This is a pretty sight at the end of a voyage for any Captain. Look for at least a couple more updates next week in advance of our next voyage.

Tim Ekstrom

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