Fish Report for 12-11-2014

Royal Star Fish Report

Royal Star


Good times ending the fishing portion of this run leisurely catch and releasing calico bass and other coastal varieties in the most beautiful scenery imaginable. Standing in stark contrast to yesterday's lightning pace demolition derby today was all about a relaxing slow pace and enjoying the ride. To an individual I am confidant that the day's objectives were accomplished.

Closing out the day in grease calm conditions beneath the towering cliffs of one of our favorite island havens the bass were biting, spirits were flowing, and conversations lively. Chairs were again out on the back deck and festivities reigned as recognition of the moment, and overall success of this annual Let's Talk Hookup twelve day run, manifested in sentiment and atmosphere. A good time was had by all.

Now the final travel leg is in store as we grind up the line in nice conditions forecast soon to become otherwise. Good news for our position is the southerly head of the approaching front will strike us from behind, and likely remain there until we reach safe harbor. A following sea and booming northwest groundswell shouldn't upset our progress by much, if anything, at all.

Photos today feature a couple of triumphant tuna anglers with their prize. Long time Royal Star veteran Mike Ryan does the honors with a morning captured one forty. Master angler Neil Barbour closed out our time below with the last fat yellowfin landed on this voyage, a robust 155.

On a final note we still have a couple of spots available on the December 26th - January 9th fourteen day run. Based on signs down below I am certain that this next round will feature abundant opportunities at both trophy yellowfin tuna and wahoo. If you're of a mind to go but need a little convincing feel free to give Tracy or I a call in the office tomorrow or beyond.

Tim Ekstrom

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