Fish Report for 11-11-2014

Royal Star Fish Report

Royal Star


We fell off the pace a bit today; they came over the rail one two at a time rather than in droves. Still plenty of success awaited those willing to put in the effort and time, the abundant school size yellowfin tuna and occasional yellowtail were simply less willing to give it up in grease calm, slick conditions. Shifting current was the easiest condition to blame for the change but none of us were really too put out by today's overall languid pace. A bunch of fish already reside in the hatch and time remains on our side. The actual numbers at day's end easily tallied in the column of success; pretty close to where we want to be at this stage of the voyage.

So much so that we are now perfectly set to pursue our favorite quarry tomorrow and beyond. Trophy yellowfin are now in our sights. Not necessarily giants, we won't be disappointed by anything worthy of a tag, but our goal is the real deal. It is out there to be found. A day of searching, in continuing magnificent sea conditions, will soon reveal what we are all wondering. Ultimately we'll be heading for an "X marks the spot" destination, but not before plying some uncovered waters; the fisherman in me won't allow it.

Photos today feature one of many nice "skin" landed by the uncontested wahoo master of the voyage thus far. Jose Arellano bested the odds by a wide margin employing masterful technique and living right. Photo number two again features Rhanny Hufalar this time with a beautiful dorado he landed in the mid afternoon sun. An incredibly successful angler not by luck Rhanny is dialed in to the main component of fishing success. Time at the rail bait in the water is an amazingly productive combination over the long haul.

Tim Ekstrom

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