Fish Report for 9-26-2014

Royal Star Fish Report

Royal Star


A productive scenic tour today working our way northwest scratching and picking as we rolled along. Everything from wahoo, dorado, and yellowfin tuna to Calico Bass and various shakers occupied the time with abundant fishing and catching action. Combined with continuing spectacular weather this was high on the list of beach runs that I have made in recent times. We didn't load up by any means but the combination of scenery, opportunities, weather, and events set this day square in the category of success.

The full day of working northwest set us in position for one final shot at something depending on what we are served in the way of conditions. A little breeze coming our way will be the deciding factor as we try to squeeze every possible second of fishing time from this seven day adventure. Photo for the day features a long range fishing legend well deserving of the title.

Bruce Chisholm, who has been fishing San Diego/long range style since I was peddling around on a tricycle, actually way before, is still going strong setting an inspiring example along the way. Old school courtesy, wisdom, character, drive, and a rich sense of humor are only a few of Bruce's admirable attributes that I will mention. He is a man's man in every respect. Less his better half Eunice this voyage, Bruce is holding his own and again showing the youngsters how it is done. Case in point: Bruce got this day rolling in fine form landing this "gator" size wahoo to the delight of one and all. Many a whoop and holler accompanied this beast as it slid over the rail; rightly so.

Tim Ekstrom

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