Fish Report for 8-26-2014

Royal Star Fish Report

Royal Star


Our disproportionate share of good fortune finally ran out relagating us to a day of looking, looking at plenty, that gave us the middle finger salute on the majority of our attempts. Typical bluefin fishing is how I would describe it. No matter how many times we see and live this condition it never lessens the incredulity and aggravation of wintessing such incredible potential that at times will not even recognize our attempts.

Even more astonishing is when our offerings are accepted; big bluefin blowing out and flying from the water everywhere as we slide into them. One can not imagine that during that kind of show, that such a violent and dramatic reaction to what we throw over the side, would result in not a single bite; not one fish on the end of twenty some odd beautiful baits perfectly presented by master anglers using equipment finely tuned to the occasion.

It goes to show once again who really is in charge, not that we harbor any doubts, in the world of sport fishing. We catch them because they want to be caught. In the case of this run there is no questioning that regardless of the today's minimal success fantastic fortune was destined from the get go. To say it came easy would serve an injustice to the efforts of the boys, nothing out here does, but from the gates an awful lot of things went right that could have gone otherwise. A roll in the right direction was established the first afternoon and carried through. To be the beneficiary of such exception is an advantage around here that does not go un noticed, or un appreciated. We'll take it knowing full well that they come hard earned the majority of the time.

On to the next adventure Captain Toussaint returns tomorrow setting forth on another quick one perfectly positioned to take advantage of the local opportunities still beckoning. Pefect bait resides in our wells, excellent weather is in the forecast, and the un contested fish Captain I most respect and admire is in command; a setting rife with potential calls to anglers likely tossing and turning while this narrative is drafted.

Two anglers now peacefully at rest grace this voyage's final report. "Uncle Bob" Wolfson and I go back at least twenty eight years to my early times working the deck of Royal Polaris. Between then and now we share many cherished memories of fish that made it over the rail and water that has passed beneath the hull. A kind man of focused calm "Uncle Bob" is a pleasure for all to fish with and a masterful fisherman in every regard. Bob made it happen with this eighty one pound beauty taken late in the day.

First time angler Anna Dickinson exhibited girl power in my favorite way showing up the old pro's with this 58.9 pound bluefin taken during one of those maddening rounds when the fish were going beserk but hardly biting. This hooked jawed dandy dropped his guard and Anna wasted no time in capatilzing on the opportunity.

Tim Ekstrom

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Royal Star Sportfishing Reports
for Monday, August 25th, 2014
Royal Star Fish Report
Royal Star Fish Report

8/23/14 The trend continues; first day out, a flurry of rigging and three hours of quick travel, and the games begin. A good afternoon on quality yellowfin began this impromptu four day run on the right note.These bonus, day of departure rounds are really something, and but for a few of times in my long range fishing career so far from the norm it's difficult to grasp that this pattern has become standard for summer 2014. What an incredible windfall that...... Read More