Fish Report for 1-17-2007

Coral Sea Sportfishing Fish Report 01-17-07

Frank Ursitti - Ranger 85

A new year is under way and we're on our winter schedule. We're running some local fishing trips out of Channel Islands Harbor, doing some whale watching, and also some marine floating labs with school groups.

You'd think the winter would be a time to cruise but there's always something to do. Right now our other boat, the Ranger 85 has been hauled out of the water and we're doing the annual maintenance on it. When we finish with the Ranger we'll do the annual work on the Coral Sea. Even though we spent a lot of time and money on the boat last year we still have maintenance to do each year. It's not one of the chores we like to do, we're in it for the fishing, but it has to be done.

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