Fish Report for 8-9-2013

Photo Credit: IGFA

New IGFA Record Bigeye

Bill Roecker

Junior angler Axel Bowmer recently traveled to the famed Portuguese island of Madeira to experience the amazing offshore fishing that can be had there. While trolling a Melton's Cherry Jet on July 8th with Capt. Gerard DeSilva, Bowmer hooked into a huge Atlantic bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) that ripped line off his Penn 130 reel. After 35 minutes in the fighting chair, he finally subdued the 88.31 kg (194-pound, 11 oz.) bigeye that qualifies him for the potential new male Junior record. The current IGFA record stands at 187 pounds).

This report is supplied by Kelsey Johnson, Development/PR Coordinator, International Game Fish Association

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