Fish Report for 11-4-2011


Bruce A. Smith

UP TO 210 POUND YELLOWFIN (110311)!!! Today we had 200 pound yellowfin jumping behind the boat, very near the boat at times and I am happy to say that we landed some. The day was spent on the anchor at one of the lower banks, we had lines in the water all day. Shogun anglers hooked 20 and landed 10 yellowfin over 100 pounds with the biggest of the day going to Ed Valov with a 210 pounder. Other notables, Mario Rodriguez jr. with a 195, Craig Van Thyne leaned a 185, Steve Watanabe drew first blood with his 175 pounder. We are going to sit here another day, the weather is holding and is awesome. At times today we had three or four of these brutes on the line and let me tell you, at least for me, it makes you feel alive. Untangling lines, watching for slack lines, moving rods and anglers, throwing bait, catching a glimpse of a huge yellowfin coming completely out of the water, running up the side with another gaff, a suspended movement of time as you reach out as far as you can leaning over the rail with a gaff in hand and not knowing if that fish is going to light up when you hit it, the disappointment of broken lines and pulled hooks, the joy and smile on passengers faces when a true trophy comes over the rail or through the gate and they come to the realization that they have achieved and long awaited goal. Big Fish Happen, Bruce A. Smith

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