Fish Report for 9-15-2011

Royal Polaris Sportfishing Trip Update (091411)

Royal Polaris Crew

GOOD MORNING, SLOW AFTERNOON (091411)!!! Hello everyone; The title says it all, we had a great morning, with limits for all aboard on Yellowtail in the 15 to 25 pound range. Once we caught our daily limits we headed offshore, looking for kelps. We didn't find our first kelp until 17:00 hours. The first kelp on produced a handful of Dorado. As time was running out, it wasn't long before the next kelp was found. This kelp had very few Dorado on it, so with a long afternoon of looking, we only ended our day with a handful of Dorado. Not what the doctor order. We are now headed for Cedros island. We will arrive in the early morning hours, so wish us luck and we will keep you posted on our daily events. The R/p crew. P.S. Sanford, your brother (Don) is doing a job on the Rock's. He's caught his limit, 2 Rocks on the boat. "BeNt RoDs 4 LiFe"

If you would like to go fishing with us please BOOK ONLINE or call (619) 226-8092 to get in on the action.

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