Fish Report for 9-8-2011

Royal Polaris Sportfishing Trip Update (090711)

Royal Polaris Crew

CEDROS HALIBUT BITE (090711)Hello everyone; We spent the day fishing Halibut and Calico bass at Cedros Island. The weather was just gorgeous. Flat clam, sunny, and very warm. It was the perfect summer day. Our passengers enjoyed there day at Cedros, with excellent Calico bass fishing and good Halibut fishing. We had one very lucky angler, Jon Sytsma. Jon caught 3 Halibuts, and this was his first trip aboard the Royal Polaris. We had many other first timers catch Halibut, what a day. We are now headed northwest, hoping to catch some Yellowfin and Bluefin for our group. So until tomorrow, wish us luck. The R/p crew. "BeNt RoDs 4 LiFe"!!!

If you would like to go fishing with us please BOOK ONLINE or call (619) 226-8092 to get in on the action.

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