From Sportfishing
Fish Report for 7-24-2011

Coral Seabass
Frank Ursitti - Ranger 85
Hi anglers,
The past couple of days have seen big changes around the Northern Channel Islands.
I have added a couple trips this week on the Coral Sea targeting Seabass due to the volume of requests.
First, departing Wednesday evening, July 27 at 10 pm. This trip fishes Thursday, and returns that evening.
The other departs Thursday night July 28 at 10pm. This trip fishes Friday and returns that evening.
Space is limited to 19 anglers, and this trip is booked direct through Captain Frank @ 805 794 9653.
We will target White Seabass and Halibut on these trips.
Yesterday our dock total reached over 100 seabass for the landing with the Coral Sea scoring 33 for 18 anglers. There remains good sign of squid as well as seabass.
I keep asking everyone…”What are you waiting for”? It’s summer and we’re fishing.
What could be better than that?
We have had some incredible trips these past few weeks, and it looks like it’s poised to continue.
Seabass in the 30’s are being taken along with some larger.
The halibut fishing rivals that of the 70’s.
Don’t delay.
Call Capt. Frank direct to get in on one of these limited trips this week while the bite is on.
Remember, these are special open charters arranged by Capt. Frank. Contact him direct to reserve your shot at landing one of the Channel Islands Trophies.
805 794 9653.
We’ll see you onboard.
Capt. Frank
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