Fish Report for 7-1-2011

Day 6, 6-30-11, Boss, Cowboy, Pacific Coast Bait and Tackle

Qualifier Crew

We made a good move last night. With the forecast of wind and what we saw yesterday, we headed to Cedros. The morning was nice, sunny and a light breeze. We started looking hard at first light and it took a while to find a nice spot of fish. Around 8 am we found a good school. It was a great time, at least 3 or 4 fish going most of the morning. A couple of flurries mixed in and we were busy today. It was a long drift, 3 hours picking away. Around lunch, we headed closer to the island to try for some trophies that swim around this area. With no luck on the big fish we headed up the island for a halibut / calico drift or two. The first couple drifts resulted in some small halibut we released. We moved around and found some good bass fishing for those who chose to try for them instead of halibut. Ty and T.J Ponder had a blast catching and releasing bass at every stop we made. A couple guys stuck keeper halibuts, and Jay Archer was the hot stick with a couple nice flatfish. T.J. landed and released a black sea bass around 30 lbs. Over all it was a great day, tagging yellows in the morning and drifting in the sun and catching steady bass and a few halibut all afternoon. We will be headed up the line tonight and if weather permits, we will be making some drifts for reds in the morning. Till tomorrow, the Q crew's out!!

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