Fish Report for 7-29-2021

Photo Credit: Courtesy of The Troutfitter

Upper Owens River Report

The Trout Fitter Staff

Flow Rates and Water Conditions

Water Conditions: Good

Flows are  52 cfs as of  7/29

Fishing Conditions and Hatches: Fair-Good

Water temperatures are down from last week which is a good sign. Fishing has been inconsistent, but the pressure is reasonable. Plenty of Tricos, 6-8 for the female emergence and 9-10 for the spinner fall. Also early, midges and some bigger caddis. Midday the Hoppers are out, nothing like the last couple of years but still fun. Craneflies are covering mid-morning, try a chamois caddis #14-18 sub surface. Also, midday are the Tiny BWO, # 24-26 and they're idea of egg laying is a dive bombing technique from way up high making them hard to spot. If you see a flash out of the corner of your eye you weren't hallucinating. 

With the resident fish being schizophrenic, one day eating attractor nymphs and the next day they're into the mayflies and midges, we suggest trailing a midge (#18-24) or mayfly (#16-22) behind an attractor nymph. That 1/2 moth 1/2 caddis white insect you see zig zagging close to the water is an aquatic moth. Not much is known about their life cycle, but you may have run across the larval form and not even known it. If you get hung up on the bottom and what you bring up looks like a small, ragged leaf, turn it over. If there's a line of organic matter down the middle that's the moth larva.

DF&G calls it the 4th of July run. With the temperatures getting warmer in Crowley and the algae growing the 12"-18" browns are starting to move up and should be throughout the river system in the next couple of weeks. Once in the system they will stay until spawning late fall to early winter.

Recommended Flies

DRIES: Griffiths Gnat #20-24 | Elk Hair Caddis #20-22 | Para Caddis #16-22 | EC Caddis #16-20 | Baby Boy Hopper #14-16 | Para Adams #20-24 | Spring Creek Hopper Tan or Yellow #14-16

NYMPHS:  Zebra Midge #16-22 | Prince Nymph #12-16 | Copper John #14-16 |Tungsten Jig Baetis #18-20 | Black Beauty #22 |  | Chamois Caddis #14-18 |  S&M Nymph #20-22 | Medalion Midge #20-24 |Bling Midge #22-24 | OCD Caddis #14-18 | Spring Creek Hopper Tan #10-16

STREAMERS: Shock Collar Leech #10 | Woolly Bugger White, Olive, or Brown #6-14 | Punk Perch light or dark #10-16

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