Fish Report for 7-5-2021

Three Day Departure

Royal Polaris Crew

And so we are off! We loaded passengers and left Fisherman’s Landing at 10:00. We loaded bait shortly after and pointed our bow south. It didn’t take long to find some large schools of fish, but Bluefin being Bluefin they were all show and no go. We worked south for the rest of the day going by some schools that were just not with the program. Once night came around we got on a spot of fish and scored three on flat-falls. One of those three was a nice 188 ponder and the other two were 30 and 50 pounds. We still have very nice safe conditions for fishing, so until tomorrow good luck and safe travels to the Royal Polaris!

If you would like to go fishing with us please BOOK ONLINE or call (619) 226-8092 to get in on the action.

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Good day everyone; well we are headed north, after getting limits of Yellowtail, a handful of grouper, and a few Black Sea Bass. We are now headed to an area and try our luck at some Calico Bass, Halibuts, White Sae Bass. We will do this for a day and then head up to the Bluefin grounds for our final day of fishing. Not much more to report, so until tomorrow. Wish us luck. Team R/p “BeNt RoDs 4 LiFe” ...... Read More