Fish Report for 6-25-2021

Excellent Day of Bluefin Action

Fish Reports Staff

Good morning everyone; Well we had an excellent day of Bluefin tuna action. The morning was a bit slow, but by mid-afternoon, the bite was steady. Most of the fish in the afternoon were in the 22 to 30 pound range, with a few in the 50 to 60 pound category. The fish in the morning were a bit larger, in the range of 90 to 140 pounds. Weather continues to be good, with 12 to 15 knots of breeze, clear skies, and sunny. With one more full day, we are hoping to find another good school to finish off our trip. Everyone say hello, and wished that you could be here to enjoy R/p living. Until tomorrow, wish us luck. Team R/p
"BeNt RoDs 4 LiFe"

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