Fish Report for 9-24-2020

Main vein

Tim Ekstrom

On any normal occasion what we worked today and found in the way of sign would be considered great. By this year's standard we were off them. A relative few boats in the area and increasing wind and seas quelled appetites to expand and search; the old "don't leave'em to find 'em" adage applied. Settling in to the idea we scratched up a couple of handfuls of straight jumbos and a bonus Louvar. That fish was a story in itself. Opting for a move up seeking better weather and production we'll be back at it tomorrow. Top catch of the day was the last fish landed on our way out. Too good to pass by we stopped on scattered fish at 21:15 and got one bite. Here is Gator and Ryan with the result. At 316 this beauty is currently our biggest of the year. A catch if a lifetime to be sure! Check out the flatfall wedged in his gullet. This one wasn't getting away due to a pulled hook.

If you would like to go fishing with us please BOOK ONLINE or call (619) 224-4764 to get in on the action.

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