From Sportfishing
Fish Report for 2-19-2009
CDFG Press Release: California Outdoors Q&As
Marine Management News
Contact: Carrie Wilson, Office of Communications, .
Question: When my kids were learning how to fish, I would often cast
the rod and set the hook for them but then allow them to fight the fish
and bring it in. My question is, in the DFG's eyes, how much "help" is
too much when you're fishing with another angler? I can see how some
dads might let this get out of hand by using their kids as an excuse to
fish four or more rods (and to take home extra limits) when actually
they are the only one doing the fishing.
One more question: Although kids don't need a fishing license, is it
possible to purchase a two rod stamp for them so they can fish with two
rods like I do? My son is now 14 and would like to be able to fish with
two rods, too. We enjoy your column! (Vern M.)
Answer: We always encourage parents to teach their kids to fish, but
what we often see are parents doing all of the fishing while their kids
are preoccupied and playing in the background. You are allowed to help
your child, but given the scenario you mentioned above, if a game warden
believes that you are the one doing the fishing, you may be cited. You
can help your kids with the casting and all fishing activity, as long as
your child is actively involved with the activity. They must be holding
the rod and learning how to cast and reel. The child also must be
closely attending the line. Just having a child in the area does not
entitle any adult to fish without a license.
Anglers under 16 are not required to purchase a California sport
fishing license and are allowed to fish with two rods in inland waters
without the stamp, as long as they are fishing in an area where it is
legal to use two rods
Photo available at:
Question: The local lagoon that sometimes supports anadromous fish is
currently home to a school of striped bass. I would like to fly fish for
them (catch-and-release only) but since I know steelhead may also occur
here, will I need to have a steelhead report card in my possession to do
so? I am not interested in fishing for steelhead and would instead
prefer for them to stay in the river to run upstream and spawn. There is
a very remote possibility that I might hook one, though. The regulations
seem to suggest I do not need a card, but I would like to know for sure
before wetting a line. (Rob K.)
Answer: You do not need to purchase a steelhead card unless you intend
to target steelhead or to keep any you do catch. If you accidentally
catch one while fishing for stripers, just return it to the water
Question: I know that it is not legal to have a loaded gun in a vehicle
when on public roads and in public accessible areas, but what about when
on privately owned property where all access is controlled via locked
gates? (Scott H.)
Answer: You are correct that it is against the law to carry loaded guns
in a vehicle when upon or along a public way (Fish and Game Code [FGC]
Section 2006 and Penal Code 12031). When behind locked gates, however,
there are no laws preventing this, although common sense and safety
should preclude doing so. Many of the hunting accidents we investigate
are caused by people getting into or out of a vehicle with a loaded
firearm. Despite this allowance, it is still unlawful to shoot at any
game bird or mammal from a motor vehicle, even when on private property
(FGC Section 3002.)
Question: Is it legal to take sport-caught fish to a tackle
shop/distributor and trade them in for fishing tackle or trade with any
other business (restaurant) for that matter? I have heard of quite a few
people doing this with all sorts of fish caught from sport boats and
private boats. (Walter L.)
Answer: No. Fish caught under the authority of a sport fishing license
cannot be bought, sold, traded or bartered in any manner (FGC Section
7121). If you have knowledge that an illegal activity is going on, I
encourage you to contact our CalTIP line at 888-334-2258 to report it.
You should provide as much information as you can that will help law
enforcement in its investigation, such as locations, names, descriptions
of the people, vehicle information, the time of day, where the
violations are occurring, etc. Your report will be confidential and you
may be eligible for a reward of up to a $500 if your tips result in
convictions for the crime.
Carrie Wilson is a marine biologist with the California Department of Fish and Game. Her DFG-related question and answer column appears weekly at While she cannot personally answer everyone's questions, she will select a few to answer each week. Please contact her at .
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