From Sportfishing
Fish Report for 12-19-2018
Newhalem River Fishing Report
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
All of the hatchery steelhead for the Nehalem basin are released in the North Fork, making the mainstem a mostly wild steelhead river. As such, it is a later run and will fish better later in the season - January through early April. Recent rains brought the Nehalem up almost 3 feet, so currently it is muddy and “blown out.” The Nehalem is a big river and can take some time to drop into shape, it’s unlikely it will be fishable this week.
Anglers are reminded that there is NO RETENTION of wild coho in the Nehalem River this year; only adipose fin clipped coho may be retained.
Due to a poor return of Chinook salmon, and conservation concerns about meeting spawning escapement goals, emergency regulation changes took effect for coastal rivers in the NW Zone on Nov. 1, 2018. As a result the Nehalem River, mainstem and bay is closed upstream of the confluence with the North Fork Nehalem. Downstream of the confluence of the North Fork, the bag limit for fall Chinook is reduced to one adult Chinook per day and a limit of 3 from Nov. 1 through the remainder of the season.
Trout fishing in streams will reopen May 22, 2019.
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More Reports
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, December 19th, 2018
Coos River: Steelhead Should be Entering the Rivers with the Next Big Rain
Galesville Reservoir: Fishing for Bass and Other Panfish Should be Decent
Howard Prairie Reservoir: Howard Prairie Reservoir Fishing Report
Lost Creek Lake: Large Rainbows Have Been Stocked
Rogue River- Lower: Lower Rogue River Fishing Report
Rogue River - Middle: Rogue River Middle Fishing Report
Rogue River- Upper: Rogue River Upper Fishing Report
Tenmile Lakes: Trout Fishing is Starting to Pick up Again
Alsea River: Winter Steelhead Fishing has Begun
Kilchis River: Kilchis River Steelhead Run
Siletz River: January is Typically When Things Heat Up

Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife hatchery staff are reporting an unusual level of loss among spring Chinook eggs and...... Read More

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