From Sea Adventure 80 Sportfishing
Fish Report for 12-2-2018

We got it!
H&M Landing
Don't put those rods away yet!
Boats fishing the Bluefin and Yellowfin grounds are still having very good fishing! Our next trip is a 1-1/2 day trip departing Monday night at 6 PM is aboard the Sea Adventure 80. They have another one departing Friday night at 7 PM! Book Now
The Mustang has a 2-1/2 day departing this Friday night at 7 PM! Book Now
We have other trips available fishing for Tuna just click on the Trip Calendar Here!
The Lobsters were hooping it up last night. The Jig Strike caught 28 Lobsters and released 80 Shorts! Book Now
Whale watching starts daily on December 21st! Book Now
→ 1\2 Day ← → Full Day ← → Multi Day ← → Hoop Netting ← → Whale Watching ←
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H&M is the West Coast’s most established sportfishing landing providing Offshore adventures since 1935. Call (619) 222-1144 or reserve online at
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