From Sportfishing
Fish Report for 11-12-2018

Eastern Sierra Fish'N Conditions
Tom Loe
Fish’N Conditions
Sierra Drifters thanks all the veterans for their service to our country and hopes everyone had a great weekend. Nighttime temperatures have dropped to single digits and teens on most nights and have still been warming up to beautiful conditions during the late morning and afternoons. The forecast looks pretty dry for the following week, although there is some talk of the possibility of some minor storms, but as of now they look to be targeting southern California. As most of our rivers and creeks start to settle into winter flow rates and the leaves have all dropped from the trees, most fall spawn fish have locked into spawning mode. East Walker River giving up decent numbers and some real monsters. Trout have been holding in the deepest water available. Upper Owens River has fish in the slower water with good dry fly activity for anglers mid-day. Hot Creek good for dry fly, dry-dropper, and nymphing on most days. Warmer weather has the aquatic life very active throughout the day. Middle Owens River holding steady and streamer fishing has been good. Good mid-day hatches starting to come off in the afternoons.
Middle Owens River (Bishop Area)
Flows have been holding steady as they have come down to fall and winter levels. Current cfs is 222. We are fishing in all our usual sections of the river and enjoying pulling streamers to the resident trout here. Our bigger trout have been coming on small to medium streamers with many takes happening toward the end of the retrieve. Fishing the transition zones has been the hot ticket to fooling these fish during this time. These are fun trips and often times we float all day down the river and seldom see another angler. We have been using moderate sink tips and pulling #10 Loebergs and #8 Spruce-a-bu’s back to the boat with good results. The fishing will only improve as we move along into the coming winter months too. We can fish up to 3 anglers per boat and offer half day trips (4.5 – 5 hours) or full day trips (7 hours) to meet your needs.
Upper Owens River
Some larger fish have found their way into the river this month. With the continuation of cold nights, this will keep the fish in the river as they move upstream to choose their spawning locations. They are spread out currently and the real large numbers of migratory fish will show up once the water temperatures get cold enough. Solid midge and mayfly hatches have been taking place in the afternoons. The section from the Benton Crossing Bridge down to the fishing monument is now closed. Flows are now at 89 cfs. The cooler water has prompted the fish to feed in the deeper runs now and target nymphs and egg imitations. Look for rising fish in the late-morning and afternoons as the daytime temperatures climb. They will be found in the slower eddys around the bends in the river.
Hot Creek
Flows now at 14 cfs. As the morning sun warms the surface water and air temperatures, the aquatic insects begin to emerge. Midges, mayflies, and a few caddis have been showing up daily. The newly planted fish have been taking advantage of the micro midge hatch all day. Larger size trout have been keying in more on nymphs, strymphs, and worm and egg patterns. It can get crowded here while the weather is mild so finding a good spot on the creek can pay off. #18 mayflies, #18-22 midges, #20 Brassies, and egg and SD worm patterns have been getting some serious looks and takes from the resident trout.
East Walker River
Flows now at 24 cfs. It has become fall/winter time here now for the resident trout. Some behemoth trout have been pulled out of some really small holding areas. This time of year, be sure to cover any water that looks deep enough to be holding a fish as it could be a fish of a lifetime. Lots of juvenile perch have been washing through the pipe and stacking up below the dam area. A good mixed bag of fish sizes are biting on properly presented flies. Target the deepest pools and runs and you can be rewarded with some real beauties. #18 Copper Tiger Midges, #14-16 Parallel Perch, #14-16 Level Leeches, and Assassins dark and light both Parallel and normal have been great patterns to hang. #18 flashback hare’s ears, #18wd 40’s, and SJ worms also working well.
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