From Sportfishing
Fish Report for 9-23-2018

Taylor Creek Fall Fish Festival!
Fish Reports Staff
The Fall Fish Festival focuses on a variety of fish species that live in Lake Tahoe and its rivers. In addition to the Kokanee, these species include the federally threatened Lahontan cutthroat trout and little-know smaller fish, such as speckled dace.
The visitor center is located three miles north of South Lake Tahoe on Highway 89. Join the fun and participate in this free family event which has become one of the most fascinating educational and wildlife viewing events in Northern California.
The festival encourages participation by children and their parents in a wide variety of educational and entertaining activities, that over the years has included:
Treasure Hunt
Fish Painting
Mascots - Lulu the Lahontan Cutthroat Trout and Sandy and Rocky Salmon
A visit from Smokey Bear!
Giant inflatable Lahontan Cutthtroat Trout - sponsored by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Bumble Bee Ice Cream Truck
From 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. both Saturday and Sunday, visitors can learn about the natural wonders of Taylor Creek from Forest Service biologists, as they stroll along the accessible, ½ mile loop Rainbow Trail. This peaceful walk meanders through forests, meadows and marsh lands to the creek where the Kokanee salmon spawn within a few feet of your own feet. A close-up view of this natural event is available in the underground Stream Profile Chamber located along the Rainbow Trail path.
The weekend events feature children's activities, and educational and streamside programs. Not to be missed is the return of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's giant inflatable fish - the fish's tail serves as the gateway to fun activity stations for kids.
Kokanee Trail Runs
Trail Runs on Sunday are sponsored by the Tahoe Mountain Milers. For information on the trail runs, visit

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