Fish Report for 8-16-2018 Volunteers are Needed to Help Recover Our Salmon!

Dick Pool

On August 21st the State Water Quality Control Board will hold a very important public hearing
to receive comments on their draft proposal to increase the flows in the San Joaquin River for
the benefit of salmon other species. We need volunteers to attend the hearing and to
support the Board in approving these increases. Of all the things that need to be done to
recover our salmon, increased flows in the San Joaquin and Sacramento Rivers will do more
good than anything else. This hearing only involves the San Joaquin River, The board will
take up the Sacramento River at a later time. We need a strong showing of support at the
hearing to be sure we get the help the salmon need on the San Joaquin and to lay the
groundwork for more Sacramento flows in the future.
The proposal is strongly opposed by the agricultural interests of the San Joaquin Valley.
They will pack the hearing room with farm workers and others who will oppose any increases
In flows which would take water away from them.  We need to offset this with a lot of salmon
fishermen and supporters.

The hearing starts on Tuesday August 21st at 9:30 am In the Coastal Hearing Room (2nd floor)
of the CalEPA. Headquarters Building at 1001 I Street in Sacramento. It will last all day. If
you can, you should got there by 8:30 AM and fill out a speakers request card.  They will call
the speakers in the order they filled out the cards. Each speaker will probably be given 3 to 5
minutes to orally comment. The date for written comments has already passed. GGSA and
the other salmon organizations already submitted strong written comments.

If you have the time, please make every effort to attend and speak at this hearing.  It is critical
to the future of our salmon. Your comments can be relatively simple. Tell who you are, why
you are conserned about the declining salmon populations and request that the Board
approve the maximum possible San Joaquin flows. Do not mention the Sacramento flows or
the Twin Tunnel project. These are not part of this hearing.

We hope to see you there.

Thanks for your continuing support.
Dick Pool, For the Board of Water4Fish P.O. Box 5788, Concord, CA 94524 email

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