Fish Report for 3-29-2017

H&M Landing Update

Frank Ursitti - H&M Landing

Landing Manager Frank Ursitti called in from H&M Landing in sunny San Diego. We have good fishing and great weather offshore this morning. Today we have the Sea Adventure 2 out and they have 30+ Yellowtail and 10 Bluefin so far with plenty of time left to fish.

Our 3/4 day boat the Malihini departs tomorrow and the next few days at 5:30 AM targeting Yellowtail and Bluefin Tuna.

1.5 Trip on the Old Glory
Overnight Sea Adventure 2

If you would like to book please call (619) 222-1144 or BOOK ONLINE at H&M Landing Website.

H&M Landing has been serving San Diego anglers since 1935. If you would like to book a trip with us please call at (619) 222-1144 or you can always BOOK ONLINE at our website

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Yellowtail are biting today! The Sea Adventure II departs Wednesday at 5:30 am for 3/4 Day OFFSHORE fishing to target Bluefin and Yellowtail! This trip is a definite running for sure! No Passport Required! BOOK NOW!!! The Malihini is scheduled for offshore fishing Thursday thru the Weekend! No passport required! BOOK NOW!!! 1-1/2 Day Trip fishing Colonet and Baja Coastal areas departs Friday at 7pm on the Old Glory. BOOK NOW!!! Mark Your calendars! Day at...... Read More

H&M Landing Reports
for Monday, March 27th, 2017
Yellowtail and Bluefin H&M Landing
Yellowtail and Bluefin H&M Landing